Effective Strategies Towards Using Humour in your Classroom

  By: British Orchard Centre   JUL 07, 2020

The ways to motivate students in a classroom are countless but one of them always finds a way to be overlooked humour! Yes, making your students laugh and relax gives them positive motivation, not only to pay attention during class but to have an overall fulfilling experience.

Outside of the classroom, when you’re feeling anxious and stressed, doesn’t humour brighten your day?

Research has shown that children who laugh in the classroom tend to develop strong communication and critical thinking skills, and easily cope with stress. Humour provides a variety of positive outcomes such as an increase in enthusiasm and children’s confidence, stress reduction, optimism to learn, and most importantly relaxation!

Laughter is no enemy to learning

The various we can achieve such outcome;

  • Funny reading material introduces more humorous books and content in your syllabus, during storytime you can make learning and laughing come hand in hand.
  • Funny dance session. Instead of steps have your classroom wiggle around in free dance, not only will it be hilarious, but it also energizes them!
  • Have a group session of little funny jokes when kids are in a gathering exchanging little quips it enhances their sense of belonging and makes it easier for them to come out of their shell.
  • Keep a “Funny diary” where you document moments of laughter, read it at the end of the term with the classroom to remind them of how much fun it is to learn.

These are just simple ways to lighten up and motivate your classroom, share with us the ways you have found to introduce laughter!